Friday, January 13, 2023

cleaning glock

Cleaning Glock - The Glock 19 is one of the most popular pistols in America, and for good reason. Reliable, accurate and easy to maintain, it's the defense pistol of choice for everyone from soccer moms to special operators. However, it needs to be cleaned and lubricated regularly. We'll show you how to clean your Glock 19 in the video and transcript below.

Kevin: I'm here with Jeff Street. Jeff is the owner and head instructor of Step-by-Step Gun Training, and is also a certified Glock gunsmith and a bit of a Glock enthusiast. So Jeff, my first question to you is, how often should a Glock 19 be cleaned? We hear many different opinions about it. As you see?

Cleaning Glock

Cleaning Glock

Jeff: If you are new to the Glock platform, you should clean it every time you use it. It will help you get familiar with how everything should look and feel when it's right. That way, if something isn't right down the road, you'll be able to fix it, possibly before you have a real problem down the road.

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Kevin: You'll know right away because the spring doesn't snap in two. You should not see a piece of metal with a clean crack. Something like that would be really obvious.

Kevin: Now if you're new to the gun, that's how often you should clean it. Are you a more experienced shooter? If you have taken several lessons, how often should you clean yourself?

Jeff: Well, not just a few classes, you've been taking it for years. Well then I have friends who still clean their Glock from time to time. It doesn't hurt to clean it. It's something you depend on, so why not clean it up a bit once in a while?

Kevin: Okay Jeff. So after someone is done shooting and wants to go home and clean their Glock 19, what do they do to unload it? Here we have one that is downloadable. We both confirm it. There's even a small barrel block in there, so we know for sure it's a downgrade. So walk with us.

Big Tex Promat Gun Cleaning Mats

Jeff: First, make sure there's no live ammunition in the room except what might be here (your gun). Before touching the gun, open the holster and listen to make sure the bolt is in a safe direction. Then you're going to eject the magazine, if there's a magazine in it, then press the magazine release, eject the magazine, check that it's empty.

Jeff: Now when I go to touch the gun, I do it in my bathroom and I have a toilet in the bathroom. Even if I'm in a hotel room, I have the bathroom. I draw the gun without touching the trigger, and aim it at the toilet bowl so that if it goes off, the bullet will go into the water, slow down there a bit, hit the porcelain, and stop there. It'll break the toilet, which I don't want to do. I have to turn on the water valve so I don't flood the house and I have to call my plumber so I'm really excited not to. I then pull up the slide three times and of course stick my finger into the mag well to make sure there is no magazine in there, which I just removed. I do it three times. That way, if I did this offline and fired it once, I might see the round come out, but if I see the next round come out, I may not have ejected the magazine yet.

So, after I have lifted it three times, I will lock the slide to open it. If you're a very short-fingered person, you may have to turn your body, but you still put your penis in the toilet bowl. So you lock the slide open, then check again. There's no magazine, and you stick your finger in the chamber to make sure there are no bullets, and look down through the magwell to see the light of day. He checks both visually and tactically to make sure the weapon is fully unloaded. Now, I keep pointing to the toilet bowl. With a Glock, you have to pull the trigger to disengage it. I will not remove any weapons from the room. I'll let the slide run and, aiming for the toilet bowl, I'll go for the trigger. Then I need to release the spring tension and pull back on the slide a bit. It's a little small and you feel a little push when you do it. Then you have a release lever here. This is a slideshow and you need to download it at exactly the same time on both sides. Then let the slide go. That's how it is. Now I have a frame and I have a slide. On the slide, I'll remove the recoil spring and barrel. We basically have four main parts that we will clean up.

Cleaning Glock

Jeff: We've now separated the gun into its four main parts: the slide, recoil spring, barrel, and frame. If you take a nylon brush, you can also use a toothbrush if you want (just don't use your toothbrush) and just scrape off as much carbon as you can. Just brush, and you'll want to use a nylon brush. You don't want to use a metal brush of any kind because you will scratch things and scratch the inside of the gun. Do the same with the slide. It goes very well with the brush, and with the barrel. Go ahead and rub it in, get rid of most of it.

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If you have really tough carbon buildup and want to get it out, I recommend something that doesn't smell like botched cleaning. You spray it on and it's odorless so you can do it inside your house. Let it melt for a while. Then, you go over it with q-tips. You just look around and see the dirt. Do not leave large pieces of cotton from the q-tip inside your gun. When you get it and you see the swabs here get dirty and you go through a few swabs, give it a good wipe down.

You will now need to reassemble and oil your gun, but before you do that you need to clean the inside of your barrel. What I recommend for that is a cut snake. What is a boring snake? There's a weight at the end, there's a rope, and then there's this cloth. It has a glitter brush on it. Now this is metal, but it's metal that's softer than the metal of your weapon, so it won't damage your weapon. If you see some coal here or anywhere else on the feed chute, you don't want to drop something sharp, a hard piece of metal and grind it up. All of these pieces have a finish and you don't want to ruin that finish. With the barrel off the gun, I drop the weight down the barrel. I shoot it, and only a couple of times. Two or three times is necessary. If you want to check this out and see how well a bored snake does, you can see how well a wounded snake does, you can run a regular old patch down your barrel and see if it's not too dirty. all after you have passed through your snake wound.

Now you need to oil your Glock 19. I have a nice little needle and I only use motor oil, but you can use your favorite gun barrel and grease the channels. In the barrel, you lubricate where it's closed. Here put a ring around the barrel and screw it on. Then the frame and sliding cover are also there, where it burns out at the top of the barrel. Then we have to lubricate the connector that's right here, and I put a little bead on the drop lock.

Let me go ahead and reassemble the gun. Reattach the barrel, reattach the return spring, and then we want to attach the slide. You just have to go to these two tracks. Some people think they have to start over here, but you start right here on the road.

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Now, we need to test the functionality of the weapon. We're still gonna put the gun in that toilet when we pull the trigger, and I'm gonna go

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